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Pharmaceutical Labels

Our Pharmaceutical Labels

With over 30 years’ experience in medical labelling, Southern ID Solutions are a trusted partner of the pharmaceutical sector. Utilising the latest advancements in label manufacturing, we collaborate with some of the largest pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK today. We fully understand how vital safety and compliance are to your business and work closely with clients to enhance product security, whilst maintaining your brand and reputation.

The recently enforced Falsified Medicine Directive (FMD) demands all pharmaceutical packs carry security features to authenticate their source and prevent counterfeiting and has had a major impact on the packaging of pharmaceutical goods. Our in-house production team has helped develop and introduce several new security enhancements to ensure our pharmaceutical clients become and remain compliant.

Key Features

  • Inspection camera systems – line scan technology detects print errors, scratches or label damage to maintain extremely high quality label production

  • Sequential numbering – printed on the back of labels, allow exact quantities to be accounted and verified for whilst in your production process

  • Peel and reveal labels – communicate to your consumer in extra depth and fit all necessary patient user information/side effects on the exterior product label

  • Tamper seals – manufactured from ultra-destructible material, which break into tiny fragments if attempts are made to remove the label

  • Block out labels – obscure defunct or unnecessary information with opaque material which completely obscures what is underneath them

  • High quality adhesives – ideal for specimen labels or labels which are subjected to extreme temperatures or chemicals during testing/storage

  • Speciality finishes – including holographic imagery and seals for validation purposes

  • Tactile elements – such as non-slip and braille applications

  • High quality print reproduction – ensures excellent print clarity for patient use

For high-quality pharmaceutical labels, call 01903 502892.

Our expert team can produce a quote for you today.

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